Dedicated webmaster
Webmaster agreements can be signed for websites that I have made.
Hire your own dedicated webmaster: Hire me to take care of and update the website on a continuous basis, to always keep it up to date and inviting! I will keep your website constantly updated so you can concentrate on your business area and what you do best.
- I can make all sorts of updates of the content for you (I can add or remove: text, images, features, entire web pages, etc.). Just email me material and / or inform me about what you want me to do and I will fix it, usually within 24 hours.
- I also handle backup copies of the files on the website and make regular code updates to keep the site secure.
- I can also update the webpages regarding SEO* on a more regular basis.
*SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results.